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About Us



The African Studies Association's Women’s Caucus was established in 1970 to promote the study of women and gender within the various disciplines of African studies, to promote the greater inclusion of African women in scholarship and in the ASA, to ensure an active and representative role for women within the ASA at all levels of leadership and engagement, and to develop scholarly and activist links with women in Africa.

The ASA Women’s Caucus is a Coordinate Organization of The African Studies Association. In addition to our other projects, each year the Women’s Caucus brings a distinguished lecturer to speak at the Women’s Caucus Luncheon at the ASA Annual Meeting. Please join us for the luncheon and our other events at ASA.

We welcome your participation as well as your ideas. You can now join, pay dues, and make donations online! See the Membership Page.


For more information about the Women’s Caucus, please contact us.

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