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Nancy "Penny" Schwartz Student Travel Grant



This award honors Nancy “Penny” Schwartz, who was active in the ASA Women's Caucus and bequeathed to it funds which her friends, recognizing her interest in students, invested to create the Student Travel Grant. The intent is to assist students who will be participating in the ASA Annual Meeting as presenters or discussants, by contributing $500 towards their travel expenses. Any woman who is a student either in an African country or in the U.S. may apply, provided that she is registered as an ASA and Women’s Caucus member at the time of application.


2024 Committee Members


Dr. Abigail Celis, Professeure Adjointe (Chair)

Department of Art History and Cinema Studies

University of Montréal


Daba Ndella Thiaw, PhD Candidate

British and Commonwealth Literatures and Civilizations


Afua Baafi Quarshie, PhD Candidate

Department of History

Johns Hopkins University


Please submit your application to the chair of the committee by August 30, 2024.  Applications may be sent to with the Subject Heading: Penny Schwartz Travel Award Application.

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